Subject Name: Andrew Finker
Associated Email Addresses:
Found aliases: Andrew.Finker, afink991, nastybronj, finker99
Found Social Media Accounts:
Proceed with Extreme Caution

These results were compiled on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 1:32:43 PM based on the criteria selected by your organization.

Possible results are:

  • Proceed with Candidate
  • Proceed with Caution
  • Proceed with Extreme Caution

This report was compiled based on all publicly available information found online for the candidate over the past 12 months. This report does not guarantee the accuracy of all results contained herein, but rather that it accurately reflects public online information in our opinion was posted by or about the subject. Information fraudulently posted about the subject by others may impact the results of this report.

Audit Summary:

Subject routinely posts profanity and extremely inappropriate content; evidence of drug use; some misogynistic behavior.

Profile Found: Andrew Finker Alias: Andrew.Finker Profile Link
Facebook is the largest social networking service with over one billion users, over half of whom access the site from a mobile device. Facebook is intended to connect users with friends, family and work associates. Facebook users set up a profile and use the service to post pictures, communicate with friends, play games and form groups. Some adult content is permitted.
Issue 1:
Adult content - risque photo
Profile Found: Andrew Finker Alias: 115748295351006611811 Profile Link
Google+ is a social network operated by Google. It is intended to be used as an identity service for individuals and businesses, and to connect users with friends, family and work associates. Google+ users set up a profile and use the service to post pictures or other content, communicate with friends or associates, form groups and forums called “hangouts”.
Issue 1:
Account found; set to public
Profile Found: Andrew Finker Alias: UC3F1rcDIdoZA1gLymouj_EA Profile Link
YouTube is the most popular video hosting site. Users can set up a personal profile and upload videos, or create custom channels with their uploaded content. Users’ YouTube are in most cases linked to their Gmail and Google+ accounts. Some adult content is permitted.
Issue 1:
Account found; set to public
Profile Found: Andrew Finker Alias: afink991 Profile Link
Twitter is a microblogging and messaging site that allows users to post public messages or send private messages of up to 140 characters. Messages can include a link to a picture or other content. Twitter users can also post short videos to their Twitter stream using the Vine app. Adult content is permitted.
Issue 1:
Adult content. Extremely inappropriate
Issue 2:
Issue 3:
Possible unauthorized absence
Inappropriate language. Possible misogyny
Issue 5:
Issue 6:
Poor work attitude
Show All
Profile Found: Andrew Finker Alias: nastybronj Profile Link
Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social media network. Users can set up a profile and build a blog containing text, pictures, videos and gifs. Blogs can be set to public or private, and users are encouraged to follow other users’ blogs. Adult content is permitted.
Issue 1:
Issue 2:
Inappropriate picture with clear drug reference
Issue 3:
Sexual content
Issue 4:
Mildly inappropriate picture
Issue 5:
Mild profanity
Issue 6:
Mildly inappropriate content
Show All
Profile Found: Andrew Finker Alias: finker99 Profile Link
Reddit is a news, general interest and commenting website designed to allow users to post and vote on content. There are vey few restrictions on the content or comments posted to Reddit. Users are not required to supply a real name when joining the network, so most Redditors are anonymous. Extreme adult content is permitted.
Issue 1:
Account found; set to public
Profile Found: Andrew Finker Alias: afink991 Profile Link
Instagram is an online photo and video sharing social network, used primarily on mobile devices. Users can also cross-post photos to Facebook, Twitter, foursquare, Flickr and Tumblr. According to the site’s terms of service, users are not allowed to post violent, nude, partially nude, discriminatory, unlawful, infringing, hateful, pornographic or sexually suggestive photos.
Drug Use