Revenge Porn, or involuntary pornography, is sexually explicit material, usually photos or video, which have been posted online or distributed electronically without the consent of the subject, with the intent of harming or embarrassing the victim.
Revenge porn has been on the rise in recent years, as the shift to digital media has changed how users transit and view pictures and video. The increase in use of social media and the growing ubiquity of apps that enable photo messaging and storage are contributing to its growth. Compromising photos and video are showing up in more places online, and state legislators are rushing to craft laws to deal with the epidemic. Many websites and apps have been designed specifically for the purpose hosting media, risqué or otherwise.
None of this helps if you or your child has been the victim of revenge porn, but ThirdParent is here to offer assistance.
There are remedies and resources available for revenge porn victims. If the pictures or video of the victim were created before his or her 18th birthday, there is almost definitely legal recourse. While laws vary from state to state, ThirdParent will assist with a three-pronged effort. We will:
While remediation efforts on internet content related to revenge porn are not foolproof, partnering with ThirdParent can give you the best chance at a positive resolution.